An Urban Gypsy Princess

A polaroid of the "Trill Gypsy Princess" herself
A polaroid of the "Trill Gypsy Princess" herself

Founder of CATiD Kerrin Smith leaves a trail of glitter and inspired similes in her wake, on a grander mission to inspire the masses to be “Cool and Thoughtful,” through her business CATID. She successfully practices a lifestyle of accountability and thoughtful interaction regarding the fashion world as her custom one of a kind shirt brand grows. Kerrin lives and breathes what she preaches, and I had the most amazing tea at the Jane Hotel with the self proclaimed “Urban gypsy princess”. From her glitter half moon mani, down to the lace biker shorts, she has always lived up to the title, looking eternally chic and inspired. But what is CATiD? Kerrin describes it best on her website sighting, “CATiD is a project committed to causing a shift from passive consumerism to responsible global citizenship. Rooted in core principles of recognizing interdependence, being accountable, and valuing peace, CATiD looks to spark a second shift from fashion as a medium of exclusion to a medium of inclusion”.

My tee and i
My tee and i
Half-moon Glitter Mani
Half-moon Glitter Mani

The brand is growing at an astonishing pace for a young newcomer but I would expect nothing less from someone so committed to making a fashion change. Huge brand collaborations are in the works for this New York Jolie, and I can’t wait to witness the trail of glitter she leaves behind. The first collection of shirts is two shirts away from being sold out on’s boutique (link below), and her next line will start production sometime in January. I was lucky enough to get one of the last pieces from the collection, and will forever cherish the hand written tags, custom designed bag, and Harley embellished tee that carries its own story, all documented in its packaging. A special brand and an equally special girl!  Get your very own tee here on CATiD
