Hump Day Moods

-Weds April 16th 2014 

The vibes are Acne, boyfriend jeans, white tank, no color, simplicity, on a skateboard. 

The tunes  


I’ve learned in 2013, that clarity can come from accepting a lack of clarity that is a reality of life.  Plans change, friendships end, love is lost, family dynamics shift, but the personal the growth I have experienced this year has come from accepting the unknown. I’ve thought a lot about perception, something that in my opinion truly runs society and interactions in general. New York city is the world’s melting pot for so many different characters and environments that provides endless opportunists for various types of interactions where perception, what you say, how you carry yourself, is constantly scrutinized. 

See Me Weaving Through The East Village?

Do You See Me? Do You See ME?

#1. Become A Sexy Skater Chick

In my quest to be progressively “chicer,” all the time, I impulsively decided TONIGHT to become a sexy skater chick. My mother has always said that I’m a “props” person, give me a costume and a prop, and I can do it! I’m hoping this same logic applies to learning how to ride my new short-board, it has to apply! I refuse to not be cruising through the East Village this spring, boyfriend jeans, Acne leather over a Wang tee, looking effortless weaving my way through traffic. Watch out world, Claire Leana is  now a skater chick! Let me dream, but do buy this board!  Xxx