Back At It

The Style | Muse Models NYC 

ASHISH Bomber Jacket

ASHISH Bomber Jacket

Today, I got back in the game.  It’s been about a year and some change since I left New York Model Management, and built what I now consider my number one mission and passion, the continual growth of Style | Air as a blog, and overall lifestyle brand. The lines are blurred in every sense of the phrase when it comes to what it means to be a model in 2015. Models are not just names on their own anymore, they are “it” girls, bloggers, and social media sensations. Modeling has taken me on a long road of personal growth from Boston to NYC to London and back. When I walked away a year ago, it was probably the most important thing I could have done for my future in the industry and as a person in general. In that time I was able to beauty edit at The Wild Magazine, style, creative consult, blog, and build what Style| Air is today.  That chapter is closed, and seems so clear that everything happened for a reason.  MUSE Model Management will now be representing me here in NYC. I have never been in an environment of bookers who were more interested in getting to know me, and more focused on my overall goals from my brand in general. It’s the same book, new chapter. I’m so excited to see where this next year takes me.

Check Out Muse HERE !

Splurge On These Ashish Bombers #Obsession 

Splurge On These Ashish Bombers #Obsession 


Everyone Has 1 Golden Birthday

March 22,1992; My Golden Birthday 

This year I had my golden birthday. It should have been called my porcelain birthday as I spent the whole evening taking copious tequila shots with my uncle and his friends in what by day is Modellounge under Coffee Shop in Union Square.  The whole underground lair was rented out for his party, that happens to be the day before mine, so naturally when the drunken bar members found this out, it turned into OUR birthday at midnight. Tequila, my boyfriend, and all of our best friends, turned into too much tequila, angry best friends, and a lot of puking before my morning photo shoot.

As I lay in my bed to sick to move, I thought to myself; Kate Moss had to have had 1000 hungover mornings, I have to supermodel the fuck out of this and get up now, and that’s just what I did. I knew that when I invested $85.00 on the Kate book that it would come in handy as life long inspiration for my strung out mornings, giving me my guiding light of hope in the form or perky breasts, and feline eyes. I have only Kate to thank for showing up on set that morning, as a beacon of hope for all the models that, “went to hard” the night before. All jokes aside, ( “jokes”), I had the most perfect birthday doing what I love. Creating art with an amazing team of people who are inspired and kind, here is the product of my golden birthday!

Credits: Styling;Von Ford, Photography; Drew Malo, Hair; Nigella Miller,Makeup; Tiffany Patton