Monday Blues

The Style | Kate Because nobody can be sad looking at this image. This image will be on my casket. 

The Style | Kate Because nobody can be sad looking at this image. This image will be on my casket. 

The Air | Humor 

It has come to my attention in recent weeks, what seems to be trending in NYC, other than winter pastels, is heartbreak. It’s everywhere, like Ebola in Africa. Last night, as I was eating a pound of fresh mozzarella alone in my kitchen, the neighbors came home screaming about how not to racially profile Mexicans. The fight lasted about 20 minutes, and came to its close with a friend of the couple breaking it up. The boyfriend stormed out, and the girlfriend hysterical and sobbing, went upstairs screaming she would never call him a Mexican again. I tried not to listen, but honestly after the 25 episode of The Mindy Project, I was in desperate need of real life entertainment.

The following night at Acme, dressed in my vintage white fur, and gold Loubs, I was dancing, (well doing a very small two step because let’s be honest those are F*ck me heels, not actual walking shoes,) I overhead a couple fighting in the corner. I was trying to listen in a classy way, you know, where you pretend you know someone coming into the club, and inch ever closer as you simultaneously wave awkwardly at noting. What I could decipher was this: “I said I was sorry for giving you Chlamydia, how are you still mad?” As these words came out of the mans mouth, some of my Manhattan just slowly dribbled down my chin, like a baby in need of serious attention or DSS removal. The couple continued to argue, but I had had enough, (plus I didn’t want to get to close to this STI infected freak,) so I walked away wondering what in the world was happening. What is it New York City, where is the love?

Like Nina Simone says, “I put a spell on you, because you’re mine,” Could just be the best advice anyone gave us (either that or that song sparked the whole series Law and Order SVU), So the question remains, how do we keep our chins up, souls light, and passions strong with all the heart break in New York City?

10 Steps to Pass a Chic Weekend Heartbroken

1st Step is to call in your funniest friends, the friend that can make any situation better, no matter how bad it is. For me I call in Bear. Bear and I have been BFF for 21 years and going strong. Laughter will make everything fell better, and someone that knows you well will make you comfortable.

2nd   Classy Saturday Breakfast Getting up early and spending the day doing things that make you feel good  will give you the illusion of being in control of your life. Sleeping in after heartbreak is a pity party.

3rd Tracy Anderson DVD Work that ass out! The best revenge is a better body. Tracy is a personal favorite, but just hitting the gym will get the endorphins flowing!  

4th Mani Pedi Immediately Ideally it should be about 10:30 am, hit up your local nail salon, and get your paws taken care of. Attention to the small details always helps the bigger things fall in place.

5th Hair. Just get a blow out, that simple.

6th Shop & Splurge if you are anything like me, there is that one thing you have had your eye on for a while now. For me, it’s been the Proenza PS1, just buy it. Be smart about your purchases, but treat yourself.

7th Underwear head to any chic lingerie store and buy a new set. Studies have shown that woman feel better when they look sexy underneath.

8th Make plans its girl’s night. Look up some fun low calorie cocktails to have that night at the bar with your girls! Something to look forward to always keeps your mind off him.

9th Mood board GO to local craft store and magazine shop, cut out favorite quotes, pictures that inspire you, and goals you have for the future, and put together and amazing mood board that you can look at, and feel motivated by.

10th SMILE. No seriously. It’s usually the last thing that anyone wants to do after being hurt, but it’s the first thing you need to get back out there. Men love woman who can throw their heads back and laugh. Be genuine, have fun, and smile when it hurts. 

My Spots

Here are a few of my go to locals!  

Eat:  Esperanto 145 Avenue C, New York, NY 10009  

Workout: Model | FIT 212 Bowery (bet. Prince and Spring) 2nd Floor New York, NY 10012

Nails:  Spa Belles 170 W. 23rd Street

Shop: Tokio7 83 East 7th Street


Underwear: Journelle 125 Mercer St

Out: Rose Bar 2 Lexington Ave.New York,  NY  10010

A Single Spin On Things

Kim Kardashian & Kayne West L Officiel Hommes
Kim Kardashian & Kayne West L Officiel Hommes

I was going about my normal person food-shopping business today at the Whole Foods on Second Ave., when a man fully ran over my foot and half my leg with a mini-shopping cart. FIRST, What is a “mini-shopping cart?” I grew up in a suburb of Boston where we have the real-life sized carts, where suburban gluttons pile it all in, this was not a normal sized cart. Why this is relevant, is because I’ve had previous grocery store incidents, all involving larger scale food shopping machinery, but this little thing packed a significant punch! So I’m standing in the isle with a throbbing leg, staring at what is considered an “attractive New York City man”. Clean, stylish,  healthy  food in cart,nice jeans, sporting some scruff and a tortured East Village artist persona. It was here I came to a life altering realization. Old me, in this case meaning single me, would have fully romanticized this painful interaction.  Blindsided by fantasies of years down the line, at our wedding toast,; friends all gathered round, laughing about how we first met at Whole Foods in a cart-on-cart collision. Something like love as first sight over Kenwa and kale chips. However now, I find myself in an amazing relationship, and the question at hand is; was it ever romantic? I’ve decided the answer is no. All the unintentional and intentional, dangerous, embarrassing, life-threatening things men have done were never cute. Now I'm the dumb girl in the grocery store with a sore toe, and nightmares of divorce! The point is, I'm done being an unrealistic romantic, however if I ever find myself single again, and you want to date me, your best bet  is to find me in Soho on a Sunday, and hit me with your Porsche. Let's be honest, you would probably get a date. How can one not romanticize a hit and run? "Driver roll up the partition please." xxx

Off The Market VS. Ready To Mingle picks picks

C'est La Vie

Kate Moss Shot by Terry Richardson
Kate Moss Shot by Terry Richardson

A Little Humor

I offered my landlord one of my limbs this month instead of paying rent. It’s Tuesday now, I still have my left leg, but my bank account is suffering a tad as I do live alone in Chelsea. This month has been a month of realizations. I believe this started on New Year’s Eve. I was with a fellow fashion friend in the East Village, wearing a vintage chinchilla fur, a silver Dolce & Gabanna slip, not slip-dress, slip, and platform red polka dot Miu Miu pumps. My friend asked if I got dressed channeling Kate Moss, but what she really meant, and we both knew, was that I was barely clothed and looked like a baby prostitute. As we sipped our Manhattans, a random man passed by exuberantly and held his glass to mine provoking cheers! As our glasses clinked I whispered in her ear, “ I have no fu@*ing clue that that was.” The night progressed, and  so did this bizarre phenomenon of people coming up and pretending like we knew each other. It was then I had my first realization. I’m a girl that likes to wear a slip, not a dress. I like decadent furniture, and wallpaper with Kate Moss’s tits on it in my dining room. I like dead animal skulls; I display animal skulls on my mantel, just cause! Crystals, tulle, and glitter are almost orgasmic words, not to mention a probably unhealthy obsession with anything shiny or that reads; shoe department. It was in this moment, she and I both realized, that fantasy life is real, for someone, and I was already half way there with my clan of fake glass clinking friends, my Pretty Woman outfit, and a beautiful man by my side. It’s attainable.

Fast-forwarding to the next day.

My silver slip dangled on a dining room chair, streaks of red wine splattered down the back and my crystal earrings hung precariously out of my platinum Wang clutch somewhere on the counter. My boyfriend and houseguest were discussing how just because I enjoy a nice bottle of wine, alone, from time to time, does not mean I’m an alcoholic. He was convinced that my bi-weekly solo drinking dance parties were a cry for help. In reality, I have more fun dancing at home to the Ciara he won’t blast in the clubs as a DJ. Regardless, as I laid incapacitated and hung over on New Year’s Day, my fabulous fantasies of hosting candlelit dinner parties, in an eccentrically decorated dream pad seemed lives away. All of the previous night’s realizations were now scattered memories between catnaps and whole roasted chicken snacks in bed.It took about a week for my brain to fully recover, so I made it a habit to just text pictures to people instead of words.

 The first text was this picture of the new men’s wear McQueen to my friend. The conversation went a little something like this:

Spring 2014 Menswear McQueen
Spring 2014 Menswear McQueen

Me: (just that picture) that is all.

Her: I knooooooooowwwww, I’m still not over the spring stained glass collection.

Me: I’m not over his death. We will have a remembering McQueen night; lots of wine, even more tears.

Her: I will never be over his death. Like every other day I think about how much I miss him. I will bring all the books to our night.

Me: Over and out.    

In the new year, if you see a girl wandering in the West Village in something,“ Kate” inspired, looking a tad dazed and confused, with what promises to be a fashion magazine in one hand, and a camera in the other, its probably me, on a grander mission to be a little more in touch with reality in 2014. xxx

Socks&Heels;The Debate Continues...

Socks and heels
Socks and heels

The debate defiantly continues when it comes to the phenomenon of paring your favorite socks, with your most coveted kicks. It's a risky business, as it can go completely and totally wrong, and put you on any worst dressed list. I can almost hear Joan Rivers now saying some vulgar comment. However, like the image above, done correctly, socks and heels can be uber flattering, and give you even more fashion street cred if executed properly. I'm totally for the trend! Try switching it up this month as fashion week approches, and get some fun socks and  kitten heels! is a great place to shop for simple basics like this! xxx

Jcrew heels and socks
Jcrew heels and socks
Jourdan Dunn and Cara D. eating Mcdonalds

Jourdan Dunn and Cara D. eating Mcdonalds