Menswear Inspired Staples

I’ve always been super inspired by menswear worn on woman. Although these Alexander Wang trousers are made for woman, they are inspired by a classic mens pant, & so too is this Pixie Market button-up, with exaggerated sleeves. NYC is warming up, and quickly, so this was such a comfortable Sunday outfit. I try and make a point to take myself out alone on Sundays, a cafe, museum, or even a long walk in Soho, it’s important to find time to be alone in the hustle and bustle of this busy city. Sunnier places are in my near future, and I can’t wait to share these travels with you all. 

Peace & Love, Claire

Shop It! Pixie Market Blue Strip Oversize Sleeve Shirt, Alexander Wang Wool Pants, Vintage Chanel Bucket Bag, Nike Air Force 1 Sneakers.

Oversized button-up shirt, menswear inspired street style on Claire Leana Millar
Oversized Sleeves on Pixie Market Button-up shirt
Claire Leana Millar Streetstyle

The Perfect High-Waisted Cropped Denim

|...Messy Hair & Emotional Tendencies |

Good denim is hard to find, kinda like a good man! So consider Re/Done your dating service for jeans! Here I'm wearing my new favorite style, the Black High Rise Ankle Crop! The Perfect high-waisted cropped denim! Do Buy!

Peace, Love, & Good Genes (hah), Claire xxx

Reformation Emotional Tendencies Sweatshirt
Reformation Sweatshirt, Re/Done High Waisted Cropped Jeans, Missoni Converse 

Reformation Sweatshirt, Re/Done High Waisted Cropped Jeans, Missoni Converse 

vintage yellow cars
High waisted black redone denim Jeans on Claire Leana Millar

Her Smile Could Light A Thousand Moonless Nights

|... In Love with Love| 

4. Siempre

To be that calm, he always made it seem like everything was okay, or maybe everything was for him. He was always simpler than she was. He tried not to fall for a wanderer, but her eyes were electric, her laugh infectious, and her smile, well her smile could light a thousand moonless nights.

Peace&Love, Claire  

Cactus and Fashion
Redone Jeans, Pixie Market Top, H&M Leather, ChuckII Sneakers

Redone Jeans, Pixie Market Top, H&M Leather, ChuckII Sneakers

Fall in Alphabet City Claire Leana Millar
ChuckII Sneakers all white on Claire Leana Millar
Pixie Market Top. Redone + Levis High Waisted Pants, leather jacket
Fall Denim Looks By Claire Leana Millar